James 4:11-17 – Attitude Analysis

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A study of the book of James
Attitude Analysis
(James 4:11–17)
Central Idea: Our attitudes demonstrate our arrogance.
Purpose: To challenge believers to submit to God’s will.
  1. A critical attitude demonstrates arrogance (4:11–12).
  2. A presumptuous attitude demonstrates arrogance (4:13–16).
  3. An apathetic attitude demonstrates arrogance (v.17).
Frank Sinatra’s song, I Did It My Way, seems to be the theme song of our culture today. That same pride infiltrates the church. As we continue this study, James tells us this arrogance shows itself in three sinful attitudes: a critical spirit, a presumptuous attitude, and an apathetic attitude.

These are not Christlike attitudes, and Christ enables us to eliminate these kinds of attitudes from our lives by the grace of Christ, changing our hearts to be less critical of people.

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